Not calling fail() when expecting an exception masks bugs


Alternate names: missing-fail

The problem

When testing for exceptions in junit, it is easy to forget the call to fail():

try {
  // forget to call Assert.fail()
} catch (SomeException expected) {
  assertThat(expected).hasMessage("Operation failed");

This is better:

import static org.junit.Assert.fail;

try {
} catch (SomeException expected) {
  assertThat(expected).hasMessage("Operation failed");

But using assertThrows is preferable and the least error prone:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows;

SomeException expected =
    assertThrows(SomeException.class, () -> someOperationThatShouldThrow());
assertThat(expected).hasMessage("Operation failed");

Without the call to fail(), the test is broken: it will pass if the exception is never thrown or if the exception is thrown with the expected message.

If the try/catch block is defensive and the exception may not always be thrown, then the exception should be named ‘tolerated’.


This checker uses heuristics that identify as many occurrences of the problem as possible while keeping the false positive rate low (low single-digit percentages).


Five methods were explored to detect missing fail() calls, triggering if no fail() is used in a try/catch statement within a JUnit test class:

Only the first three yield useful results and also required some more refinement to reduce false positives. In addition, the checker does not trigger on comments in the catch block due to implementation complexity.

To reduce false positives, no match is found if any of the following is true:

In addition, for occurrences which matched because they have a call to an assert*() method in the catch block, no match is found if any of the following characteristics are present:


Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("MissingFail") to the enclosing element.