Class Description


public class Description extends Object
Simple data object containing the information captured about an AST match. Can be printed in a UI, or output in structured format for use by tools.
Author: (Alex Eagle)
  • Field Details

    • NO_MATCH

      public static final Description NO_MATCH
      Describes the sentinel value of the case where the match failed.
    • position

      public final position
      The position of the match.
    • checkName

      public final String checkName
      The name of the check that produced the match.
    • fixes

      public final<Fix> fixes
      A list of fixes to suggest in an error message or use in automated refactoring. Fixes are in order of decreasing preference, from most preferred to least preferred.
  • Method Details

    • severity

      public BugPattern.SeverityLevel severity()
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Returns the message to be printed by the compiler when a match is found in interactive use. Includes the name of the check and a link for more information.
    • getLink

      public @Nullable String getLink()
      Returns a link associated with this finding or null if there is no link.
    • getRawMessage

      public String getRawMessage()
      Returns the raw message, not including a link or check name.
    • getMessageWithoutCheckName

      public String getMessageWithoutCheckName()
      Returns the message, not including the check name but including the link.
    • applySeverityOverride

      @CheckReturnValue public Description applySeverityOverride(BugPattern.SeverityLevel severity)
    • builder

      public static Description.Builder builder(com.sun.source.tree.Tree node, String name, @Nullable String link, String message)
      Returns a new builder for Descriptions.
    • builder

      public static Description.Builder builder( position, String name, @Nullable String link, String message)
      Returns a new builder for Descriptions.
    • builder

      public static Description.Builder builder( tree, String name, @Nullable String link, String message)
      Returns a new builder for Descriptions.