The use of an assignment expression can be surprising and hard to read; consider factoring out the assignment to a separate statement.


The problem

Using the result of an assignment expression can be quite unclear, except for simple cases where the result is used to initialise another variable, such as x = y = 0.

Consider a common pattern of lazily initialising a field:

class Lazy<T> {
  private T t = null;

  abstract T create();

  public T get() {
    if (t != null) {
      return t;
    return t = create();
class Lazy<T> {
  private T t = null;

  abstract T create();

  public T get() {
    if (t != null) {
      return t;
    t = create();
    return t;

At the cost of another line, it’s now clearer what’s happening. (Note that neither the before nor the after are thread-safe; this particular example would be better served with Suppliers.memoizing.)


Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("AssignmentExpression") to the enclosing element.