Possible class initialization deadlock


The problem

To avoid deadlocks, class initializers should not reference subtypes of the current class.

For example:

class Foo {
  public static final Bar INSTANCE = new Bar();
  public static class Bar extends Foo {}

There is a circular reference between the class initializers for Foo and Bar: Foo depends on Bar in the initializer for a static field, and initializing Bar requires initializing its supertype Foo. If one thread starts initializing Foo and another thread simultaneously starts initializing Bar, it will result in a deadlock.

Suggested fixes

The best solution is to refactor to break the cycle, by defining the constant field in a separate class from the supertype of the field.

For example, using this approach to fix the sample above would result in something like:

class Foos {
  public static final Bar INSTANCE = new Bar();
  public static class Foo {}
  public static class Bar extends Foo {}

That refactoring may be too invasive (say the code is part of an API, and there are many references to the current structure).

If the subclass is never referenced outside the current file (i.e. Bar is never used outside of Foo, it is only referenced via Foo.INSTANCE), making Bar private makes deadlocks less likely (see caveats below in the discussion about private classes):

class Foo {
  public static final Foo INSTANCE = new Bar();
  private static class Bar extends Foo {}

If the subclass is referenced outside the current field, deadlocks can be avoided by ensuring that the subclass has only private constructors (or static factory methods), so that the only way to initialize the subclass is to first initialize the containing class:

class Foo {
  public static final Foo INSTANCE = new Bar();
  private static class Bar extends Foo {
    private Bar() {}

If the subclass needs to be directly created by code outside the current file, a static factory can be added as a member of the outer class, for example:

class Foo {
  public static final Foo INSTANCE = new Bar();

  private static class Bar extends Foo {
    private Bar() {}

  public static Bar createBar() {
    return new Bar();


AutoValue implementation classes are necessarily non-private, since they are generated into separate files. However examples like the following can’t deadlock as long as the only reference to the AutoValue_Base class is inside Base, since there is no way for a thread to cause AutoValue_Base to be initialized without first having initialized Base:

abstract class Base {
  abstract String bar();

  static final Object DEFAULT = new AutoValue_Base("bar");

  static Base of(String bar) {
    return new AutoValue_Base(bar);

There is a separate Error Prone check,, to prevent AutoValue_ classes from being accessed outside the file containing the corresponding @AutoValue base class.

Private member classes

The check ignores references that cross from a private inner class (or any class inside it) to its immediately enclosing class, e.g.

public class A {
  private static Object benignCycle = new B.C();
  private static class B {
    public static class C extends A { }

There is a cycle A -> A.B.C -> A, but (without reflection) it’s not possible to access A.B.C in a way that causes initialization until after A is initialized.

There are situations where deadlocks involving private classes can still occur, but the heuristic of ignoring paths cycles from private members is good enough for most real-world examples of deadlocks that have been observed.

In the following, A.C can trigger initialization of B, despite B being private.

  public class A {
    private static Object bad_cycle = new B();
    private static class B extends A { }
    public static class C extends B { }


Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("ClassInitializationDeadlock") to the enclosing element.