Using \s anywhere except at the end of a line in a text block is potentially misleading.


The problem

When Java introduced text blocks as a feature, it also introduced a new string escape sequence \s. This escape sequence is another way to write a normal space, but it has the advantage that it can be used at the end of a line in a text block, where a normal space would be stripped.

This new escape sequence can easily be confused with the regex \s, which is a metacharacter that matches any kind of whitespace character. To write that metacharacter in a Java string, you must still write \\s: an escaped backslash followed by an s.

There is little reason to ever write the Java escape \s except at the end of a line. Either use a normal space, or switch to \\s if you are trying to write the regex metacharacter.

// Each line here is five characters long.
String colors = """
    one \s
    two \s


Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("MisleadingEscapedSpace") to the enclosing element.