The correct syntax to apply a TYPE_USE
annotation to an inner class is
A.@Nullable B
annotation, @Nullable A.B
is legal Java if B
a non-static inner class:
class A {
@interface Nullable {}
class B {}
static class C {}
void test(A.@Nullable B x) {} // B is annotated ('A' is the enclosing instance type)
void test(A.@Nullable C x) {} // C is annotated ('A' is a 'scoping construct' here)
void test(@Nullable A.B x) {} // compiles, but likely incorrect: annotates the enclosing instance type 'A', which can never be null
void test(@Nullable A.C x) {} // compile error: 'A' cannot be annotated
However, for @Nullable
(and @NonNull
, and friends), annotating the outer
class is meaningless. The reference to the outer class (A.this
) can never be
, so any nullability annotations are redundant.
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("NullableOnContainingClass")
to the enclosing element.