Saving instances of Throwable in static fields is discouraged, prefer to create them on-demand when an exception is thrown


The problem

The problem we’re trying to prevent is unhelpful stack traces that don’t contain information about where the Exception was thrown from. This problem can sometimes arise when an attempt is being made to cache or reuse a Throwable (often, a particular Exception). In this case, consider whether this is really is necessary: it often isn’t. Could a Throwable simply be instantiated when needed?

// this always has the same stack trace
static final MyException MY_EXCEPTION = new MyException("something terrible has happened!");
throw new MyException("something terrible has happened!");
static MyException myException() {
 return new MyException("something terrible has happened!");


Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("StaticAssignmentOfThrowable") to the enclosing element.