Using text blocks for strings that span multiple lines can make code easier to read.
For example, prefer this:
String message =
'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing-wax --
Of cabbages -- and kings --
And why the sea is boiling hot --
And whether pigs have wings.'
instead of this:
String message =
"'The time has come,' the Walrus said,\n"
+ "'To talk of many things:\n"
+ "Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing-wax --\n"
+ "Of cabbages -- and kings --\n"
+ "And why the sea is boiling hot --\n"
+ "And whether pigs have wings.'\n";
If the string should not contain a trailing newline, use a \
to escape the
final newline in the text block. That is, these two strings are equivalent:
String s = "hello\n" + "world";
String s =
The suggested fixes for this check preserve the exact contents of the original
string, so if the original string doesn’t include a trailing newline the fix
will use a \
to escape the last newline.
If the whitespace in the string isn’t significant, for example because the
string value will be parsed by a parser that doesn’t care about the trailing
newlines, consider removing the final \
to improve the readability of the
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("StringConcatToTextBlock")
to the enclosing element.