Suppressions for unchecked
or rawtypes
warnings should have an accompanying
comment to explain why the javac warning is safe to ignore.
Rather than just suppressing the warning:
public ImmutableList<Object> performScaryCast(ImmutableList<String> strings) {
return (ImmutableList<Object>) (ImmutableList<?>) strings;
Provide a concise explanation for why it is safe:
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Safe covariant cast, given ImmutableList cannot be added to.
public ImmutableList<Object> performScaryCast(ImmutableList<String> strings) {
return (ImmutableList<Object>) (ImmutableList<?>) strings;
Suppress false positives by adding the suppression annotation @SuppressWarnings("SuppressWarningsWithoutExplanation")
to the enclosing element.