for programmers, and people who like to know things
Author: Kevin Bourrillion
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. —Ray Cummings
It’s hard to write much code without encountering the need for when.
We might need to record when something happened. Or dictate when something should happen. Or give a range during which the thing can happen. Or in some other way, our code needs to deal with dates and times.
Fortunately, we learned date and time concepts when we were very young. It wasn’t that long after we learned our animals and our colors. And we’ve been speaking about these things all our lives, so… this should be easy, right?
(Narrator: it was not.)
Suddenly, bugs and confusion. You might blame it on your libraries – and honestly, some deserve it. But the fact is, the subject is just extremely complicated. Now that we’re talking to a computer rather than a person, we need to be far more precise, and far more “correct” about things, and this changes the whole game. We thought we understood this stuff, yet somehow now we are writing bug after bug into our programs.
Eventually we might say to ourselves, “Wait, I need to pause and go learn how dates and times really work.” But then we discover to our surprise that there is no end to the subject, that the exceptions go on and on, and it is in fact more confusing and complicated than just about anything we’ve ever tried to learn.
Uh oh.
The Java And Kotlin Ecosystem team at Google has worked for several years to eliminate the sources of date/time bugs in Google’s codebase. We’ve learned a lot from this.
But my goal here is not to provide a laundry list of programming practices. It’s more basic than that. I hope to provide a solid “conceptual model” for how we think about date and time concepts in the most helpful way. I’m shooting for it to be understandable, usable, and to avoid saying things that are egregiously wrong.
Just forget everything you know about dates and times, and we’ll build it up again together from the ground up.
Let’s begin!
Record scratch
But wait. What does it mean to “begin”?1
The way we picture time is as a single line stretching out in both directions; an endless ordered stream of fleeting moments, moving ever forward in what physicists call the “direction of increasing entropy”.
This is the timeline.
The timeline. We envision the past on the
left and the future on the right because we have cultural bias.
Every event that has happened or will happen in history is located at a particular point on this line — or had a start and end that can be so located. For example, when you were born, or when you first opened this guide, or when you will close it again in disappointment.2 These points on the timeline are called instants.
In this simplified view3, an instant is a universal thing, the same for everyone everywhere. And in practical terms it is, nearly enough, at least for everyone on the surface of the Earth. For example, if the entire Earth suddenly vanished in a puff of space dust, that is something we would all experience together at the same instant.4 (Different people will describe that instant differently — for example, “it was a dark and stormy night when…” — but later for that.)
The timeline is the basis for everything that follows in this guide, but it does very little on its own. It does lets us ponder a few useful concepts, like “now”, “after”, “start”, and “early”. And it gives tense to our languages: present, past, future, and somehow “pluperfect”.
But how do we even talk about one particular instant, as something distinct from all the other instants? Identifying an instant turns out to be sort of impossible! We can’t very well say “the instant 37”, or “the instant Craig”, or “that instant right there, no not that one, look where I’m pointing”.
Let’s move on to durations and come back to that.
A duration is the difference between any two instants on the timeline. A duration always has a value measured in seconds. At least, that is the official unit that humans can agree on. (Units like the “hour”, “nanosecond”, and “microfortnight” do exist as well, but these are always defined in terms of the second.)
The second has a precise definition, established by the 1967 General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), which you don’t really need to worry about right now.5
An example of a duration.
Durations are objective and finite, however it might seem at the time.
Warning: in this context, units like “minute” are fine, but larger units like “month” or “year” have no precise meaning. You should avoid them, but it’s also reasonable to use one for approximate descriptions only. Someone has to choose an arbitrary value for it, in terms of one of the precise units (for example, for a year, it might use 525,600 minutes). These units from “day” on up will be far more relevant to “civil” time, which we’ll get to shortly.
Can a duration be negative? We would rather you had not asked.
Yeah, technically it can. In fact, in a variety of ways time behaves completely symmetrically.6 For example, the duration from when I arrived at work until I left home this morning was negative 25 minutes.
However, this is basically playing word games. We are never going to actually spend a negative duration of time doing anything in our lives if we are not a character in the movie Primer.
I feel a warning coming on.
Warning: the vast majority of code that works with a duration will implicitly expect it to be nonnegative. By permitting negative durations in your code you’ll run the risk of violating those expectations and triggering puzzling bugs. I recommend avoiding negative durations as much as possible. It’s not that there are no valid reasons to use one; it’s just that the primary reason is if you don’t like your teammates.
Instants and durations have some things in common; for example, they both have a strong ordering, with “less-than” meaning “before” or “shorter than”, respectively.
But they are otherwise quite different. In particular, an instant is not a quantity. A duration is.
More concretely: the set of mathematical operations instants and durations can participate in looks like this:7
Note in particular that you cannot add two instants.
(You might notice that these rules work perfectly fine for negative durations. Well, we did say negative durations are perfectly well-defined. The fact remains that they’re unexpected and bug-prone.)
The only way to refer to any particular instant involves using durations.
Instants, as mentioned above, are hard to talk about, but durations are easy: it’s just “so many” seconds. So there’s an easy solution: as long as we can agree on some reference instant, we can identify any instant by saying at what duration before or after the reference instant it happens. For example, we might describe the instant a runner crossed the finish line by saying it was “9.58 seconds after the instant the starting pistol was fired” — as long as the firing of that pistol is a well-understood point in time for everyone communicating.
It’s not necessary for everyone to agree on a single universal reference instant, only that the parties communicating at any particular time agree on the same one.
In software, in today’s global world, it’s very useful to have one standard reference instant defined for use throughout an entire codebase. We call that instant (strangely) the “epoch”, but more on that later.
Now it’s time to talk about physical time.
Actually, physical time is what we have been talking about all along!
Physical time is concerned only with durations (as measured in seconds), and instants (as described by the duration since a reference instant). And nothing else.
This is time “as it really exists” in our (still fictionally Newtonian) universe. All events happen at some particular instant on our timeline, or begin and end at distinct instants. And this is true whether anyone was ever around to observe it or not: nothing about physical time actually depends on humans at all.8
But notice that very few of the time concepts you know even exist in the realm of physical time. We have the concepts “now”, “before”, and “after”, yet essential terms like “tomorrow”, “noon”, and “Taco Tuesday” have no meaning. I don’t want to live in a world without Taco Tuesday, so let’s read on.
With the use of a reference instant, physical time became possible to talk about… yet it’s still way too hard to talk about.
And so we invented civil time!
We did an interesting job of it.
Civil time is the patchwork of made-up human concepts such as “months”, “common era”, “leap days”, “weekend”, “cold November rain”, and so on.
Civil time is very important. It makes communication easier, and enables us to organize our daily lives in a reasonable way. And no one is going to bake you any special cake or sing you any excruciatingly bland song off-key while you exhale rapidly onto flaming wax if we don’t have civil time.
Civil time always requires a calendar system.
There are numerous competing schemes for how to express civil time. Each is called a calendar system. Each of them accomplishes the worthy goal of simplifying our lives, by being itself stupendously complicated.9
Of all these, we are going to talk only about the Gregorian calendar.
We’re focusing only on the Gregorian calendar in this guide because (a) it is the official civil calendar for countries encompassing approximately 94%10 of the world population, and (b) it’s already complicated enough. For most readers, it’s the calendar system you already know and loathe!
In this system:
A date is a triplet consisting of:
A time of day is a triplet consisting of:
We’ll define a datetime12 to be the sextuplet of all the preceding values: the combination of a date with a time of day.
These six fields are enough to let people communicate properly with each other about most things — provided that those people share enough context to agree on what the values mean.
The Gregorian Calendar defines the legal values these fields can take on. Since this calendar system was adopted piecemeal over a period of hundreds of years, the calendar system you’re probably actually using when you write code is the “Proleptic Gregorian Calendar”, which is a convenient fiction that retroactively applies today’s Gregorian Calendar throughout all of history. This is the calendar system you want to use as long as you never need precise handling of dates more than a century in the past.
(Hey, didn’t we agree at the top to “forget everything we know”?)
I’ve intentionally not brought time zones into the picture yet. A time zone is not the seventh field of a civil datetime. It is not a concept in civil time at all (and it certainly isn’t in physical time either).
Civil time is still highly useful without it, and you probably use it constantly in this way. For example, my children and I are perfectly capable of discussing when I should pick them up from school even if they had never heard of time zones. The language that discussion happens in is civil time.
Unfortunately, we’ll discuss time zones soon.
A period expresses the difference between two datetimes. Like a datetime, therefore, it’s measured in separate units of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Example periods: “100 years”, “127 hours”, or “5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days”.
This completes an analogy: As duration is to instant (in the realm of physical time), so period is to datetime (in the realm of civil time).
The key difference to remember between durations and periods is that durations are great, while periods are awful. Rephrased: durations are simple and precise; periods are complex and vague. Just look at how many warnings are below!
Warning: People tend to use similar words when talking about durations as when talking about periods. This is dangerous! The two are fundamentally different in subtle but important ways (as this document will continue to try to explain).
Of course, mathematical operations on civil time work in a corresponding way to their analogues in physical time, but with an important difference.
The important difference is that these operations are not well-defined!
For example, what is “January 30, 2019” plus the period “one month”? (No, really: think about it and decide what you think the answer should be!) You might reasonably have said it’s February 28, or March 1, or March 2, or perhaps something else. There is simply no “one best” formula to follow.
Warning: This kind of math may violate expectations in many ways. For example, if you remember your “associative property” from your school days, guess what? Give it back. You can’t have it. The calculation “(today + 1 month) + 1 month” might not give the same value as “today + (1 month + 1 month)”. And there are many other examples.
Warning: Civil math can also produce technically-correct results that are still wrong for your purposes (the worst kind of correct). What is the period between the times of “1:30 am” and “3:30 am” on the date “2019-03-10”? In the realm of civil time, this is a period of two hours. That’s a clear and unambiguous and correct answer, which is more than we can usually expect from period math. Nevertheless it is probably not the question you meant to ask! The answer of two hours in no way implies that two hours’ duration (physical time) will transpire between those times for anyone; they might have to change their clocks in the interim. In short, even though civil time does have its uses, beware of confusing it with physical time.
This is the major point of difference between physical and civil time. Physical time is well-defined mathematically, which makes it easy to manipulate. Civil time obeys no known mathematical laws.
Like durations, periods can be negative, but please don’t. It’s especially bad, here. But also…
Warning: Avoid multi-unit periods if at all possible. They compound the confusion of several periods into one. You can reasonably claim there is a period representing “+2 months, -9 weeks, +1 day”, but what is that? Is it even positive?
By now we have covered a basic understanding of both physical time and civil time, and we can see that they are quite distinct concepts. Civil time has conversational meaning to humans; physical time more directly models objective reality.
But if they’re separate, then we’ve certainly got to have some way to get back and forth between the two. Now enter the time zone.
A time zone is a set of rules for how to convert in both directions between an instant (physical time) and a corresponding datetime (civil time).
These rule sets are set and modified by governments of every nation, and therefore definitely always make lots and lots of sense.
Remember: as previously covered, time zones have no purpose in either realm, physical or civil; they’re just how we move back and forth between those realms.
Not all time zones are created equal. Plenty of the things that you think of as time zones are actually really bad at being time zones.
A well-defined time zone should support all conversions, from any possible instant to a datetime, and from almost any possible datetime back to an instant.13
The best, most useful, most correct time zones are the canonical time zones
defined by the IANA time zone database (or
Olsen database). You can recognize them by their slashed, mixed-case,
region-based identifiers, like America/New_York
or Asia/Kolkata
For each such identifier, the database attempts to maintain a complete
historical record of all legislative changes to its ruleset, and the complete
rules governing Daylight Saving Time shifts for both the past and the
foreseeable future. This is what distinguishes these canonical time zones like
from others; it is able to handle any conversion you
throw at it.
As a practical matter, it’s sometimes easier to think about the time zone
instead as a function mapping an instant or datetime to an offset (in hours,
possibly fractional). At some instant when my offset is -07:00
and yours is
, then we say (informally) that you are “nine hours ahead” of me. We
mean that your current datetime is my current datetime plus nine hours. But it’s
just a different way of expressing the same thing we said above. We’ll say a
little more about offsets in the UTC section below.
There is much more to learn about time zones than we’ll cover in this document.
But if all you take away is that Real Time Zones Look Like
, I’ve done my job for now.
Warning: Codes like “PST” are very very bad at being time zones. Avoid them like you avoid temporal paradoxes while time-traveling.
Here’s a fun fact. General knowledge says that the contiguous 48 United States use four “time zones”, which we call “PST”, “MST”, “CST”, and “EST”. Astonishingly, as these codes were brought into the computing world, “PST” and “CST” got defined as changing with the local Daylight Saving Time, while “MST” and “EST” are static!
And for compatibility’s sake, this situation has persisted. So, a given civil time when translated into each of these four so-called “time zones” might yield four, three, or even just two distinct instants.
If this absurdity doesn’t scare you away, I’m unclear on why you’re even reading this document.
Avoid these sorry excuses for “time zones” that use three uppercase letters. Except one…
UTC is a very special time zone that is useful despite not being in the
above-mentioned Asia/Kolkata
style. What is it, and why do we use it?
UTC is defined to be the simplest time zone possible. It has a permanent,
never-changing offset, which is defined to be zero. This makes it a reference
point we can use to describe all other offsets: our earlier example of an offset
of -07:00
means UTC minus 7 hours. UTC provides a perfect one-to-one mapping
between (physical) instants and (civil) datetimes. That’s pretty neat!
On the other hand, it’s fake, so there’s that. That is, it’s not the “real” time zone of any human being or business on the planet.14 That’s okay, though.
Pop quiz: how do you write time-zone-independent code? You use the UTC time zone, right? This is generally on the right track, but not quite all the way right.
The only safe way to write zone-independent code is to stay completely and neatly in the realm of physical time, where there is no such thing as a time zone in the first place. Use library types that model instants and durations, only, and avoid the rest.
The problem with UTC is that, since it is a time zone, it will let you freely cross that boundary between physical and civil time without complaint. Nothing will stop your code from being able to ask questions like “did this instant happen on a Thursday?” and you will get some answer to that question!
Sounds kinda… zone-dependent, wouldn’t you say? If our intention is to be
zone-neutral then the question is bogus and unanswerable–and anything
unanswerable ought to be unaskable too. And that’s what you’ll get by sticking
to types like Java’s Instant
, that are designed to model physical time only.
Suppose you have a known, fixed, IANA canonical time zone, like
. Since that provides a mapping between instants and datetimes
throughout both past and future, this means that you can think of instants and
datetimes as basically equivalent forms of the same thing, right?
And that means it doesn’t matter which of those two values you store — the instant (stored as seconds since the agreed-upon reference instant), or the datetime (stored as the six field values Y/M/D/H/M/S). They’re the same! Right? RIGHT?
Oh dear. It would be nice if this were the case. The first problem is that many time zones have problematic datetimes that they map to either zero or two possible instants. We could address that by always preferring the instant… but it’s not quite as simple as that.
An even worse problem is that users sometimes change their time zone. And the absolutely nasty problem is that time zone rules themselves sometimes change. In fact, they often change with extremely little notice, because the chaos these last-minute decisions wreak on computing systems and their maintainers is generally invisible to the policymakers who make the changes.
Because of this, it matters how you choose to store these values. Suppose a user books an event hall for their wedding, starting at 2:00 pm on a particular day, and you store those endpoints as instants. Now if the local government decides that Daylight Saving Time should start earlier this year, that booking might suddenly show up as starting at 3:00 pm instead. You can see the trouble this could cause.
But on the other hand, consider for example an online invitation to your friends to go watch the sunrise on Manhattanhenge. You’d want that to go the other way, but there would be no way for the computer to know that.
Often there is no correct answer that guarantees the right thing will happen for every user. But if you proactively think through what you want to happen in these scenarios (user changes time zones, time zone rules change, etc.), you’ll be okay.
Many libraries roll a datetime or instant, plus a time zone, into a single
type you can pass around. In fact, Java’s first two attempts at date/time
support offered only this sort of combined type. With Java 8 it offered
properly separated Instant
and LocalDateTime
classes to address physical and
civil time (respectively) — but even as it did that, it also offered the
combined ZonedDateTime
as well.
Too bad. The concept of a zoned datetime or zoned instant is fundamentally flawed, and you should avoid it for these reasons:
Since it represents both physical time and civil time at the same time, it creates ambiguities that lead to bugs. The API will offer you two different ways to express the question “give me this value plus one day”, with one of them using the physical interpretation (+ 24 * 60 * 60 seconds) and the other using the civil interpretation (same time tomorrow, which might be a difference of 23 hours, or 24.5 hours, etc.). And these two ways will tend to look very similar to each other. Instead, by avoiding this type you’ll be forced to choose cleanly which realm you mean, and each choice will support only one way of adding a day.
As just covered, how to serialize or store such a thing is ambiguous. With a zoned datetime type, most developers won’t even know which of the two approaches will be used, let alone have the chance to decide whether it’s the right one for them.
And besides all that, it’s simply unnecessary! A instant/datetime and a time zone are two independent pieces of information. They can be handled separately instead, and it’ll make your code clearer. In fact, it’s unusual to need a distinct time zone alongside each and every individual instant/datetime anyway. Typically the time zone comes from some business object at a broader scope, like a user, session, client, etc.
Warning: don’t use “zoned datetime” or “zoned instant” types. I already said that, but now I’ve said it in a warning!
With that admonition, we’ve concluded our basic discussion of how to think about time. What next?
First, you might want to learn which APIs model which of these concepts in your particular language environment.
You may also wish to consult the appendix which discusses additional topics:
Major help on this document was received from Kurt Kluever, Greg Miller, Chris Povirk, Jon Skeet, Bradley White, and many others. I’m grateful to them, and you should be too; you should have seen the bad jokes I started with.
Abseil Common Libraries are strongly recommended.
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | absl::Time |
resolution of at least one nanosecond |
duration | absl::Duration |
date | absl::CivilDay |
time of day | none | |
datetime | absl::CivilSecond |
second resolution |
day of week | absl::Weekday |
period | none | |
time zone | absl::TimeZone |
Noda Time is strongly recommended.
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | Instant |
nanosecond resolution |
duration | Duration |
date | LocalDate |
time of day | LocalTime |
datetime | LocalDateTime |
day of week | IsoDayOfWeek |
period | Period |
time zone | DateTimeZone |
can use Windows or IANA time zones |
To represent a | Use |
instant | time.Time |
duration | time.Duration |
date | civil.Date |
time of day | civil.Time |
datetime | civil.DateTime |
day of week | time.Weekday |
period | none |
time zone | time.Location |
Use the java.time
library (Java 8+) if at all possible; otherwise use
JodaTime. Absolutely avoid the legacy classes
, Calendar
, and Timestamp
at all costs.
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | java.time.Instant |
nanosecond resolution |
duration | java.time.Duration |
nanosecond resolution |
date | java.time.LocalDate |
time of day | java.time.LocalTime |
datetime | java.time.LocalDateTime |
day of week | java.time.DayOfWeek |
period | java.time.Period |
only has day resolution; The classes like Minutes and Months from org.threeten.extra provide second resolution and are preferred when possible. |
time zone | java.time.ZoneId |
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | Temporal.Instant |
duration | Temporal.Duration |
date | Temporal.PlainDate |
time of day | Temporal.PlainTime |
datetime | Temporal.PlainDateTime |
day of week | none | many Temporal objects have a dayOfWeek getter |
period | none | Temporal.Duration can be added to or subtracted from civil time object types (PlainDate , PlainDateTime , etc). |
time zone | Temporal.TimeZone |
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | |
duration | |
date | |
time of day | none | |
datetime | |
day of week | none | Closure's Date s have a getWeekday method |
period | none | Closure's Interval s can be added and subtracted from DateTime instances. |
time zone | none |
To represent a | Use | Notes |
instant | datetime.datetime |
When using , always specify the tz parameter |
duration | datetime.timedelta |
date | |
time of day | datetime.time |
datetime | datetime.datetime |
When using , always specify the tz parameter |
day of week | datetime.weekday |
period | datetime.timedelta |
Duration is preferred over period, though timedelta can express both. See the section on periods above. |
time zone | datetime.timezone |
Hey, what time is it?
When we ask a computer this question:
That’s a lot of terms, but they all go together, and don’t really have any more elaborate meaning than what’s illustrated here.
Note that all of this takes place firmly in the realm of physical time.
As soon as a timestamp is read, it is already in the past, but it doesn’t stop being a “timestamp”. A timestamp is just an instant that was probably originally read as the wall time. (In practice, you are likely to see any old instant called a timestamp, but what can you do.)
Timestamps are instants and all the normal physical time math operations apply. But note that subtracting one timestamp from another timestamp can be sketchy! (Read on.)
Wall time is inherently approximate. It drifts and is periodically corrected by a network time service.
Yes, this means it can even appear to run backward.
Don’t try to use wall time for measuring elapsed time.
Elapsed time is a measured duration – the duration that transpired between two operations.
Subtracting two timestamps is a poor method for measuring elapsed time! Because both values are approximate, the resulting duration has the error of both of them summed together, and could even be negative. It is best to think of wall time and elapsed time as two entirely different concepts.
Use a library such as Guava’s Stopwatch
, which
is designed for measuring elapsed time and is impervious to wall clock
corrections. See the language-specific guide above for more info.
Earlier we explained that computing systems tend to choose a reference instant that all other instants can be expressed relative to, and this is known as an “epoch”. A very common choice of epoch is the “Unix epoch”. You probably already know that the Unix epoch is start-of-day on the civil date “1970-01-01”; specifically it’s the instant that this civil datetime maps to using the UTC time zone. (That’s why if you ask programmers what bogus year seems to pop up in bugs more than any other, you’ll hear “1970” if they live in the Eastern Hemisphere, but “1969” if Western.)
But my real point here is something quite different.
My real point is that most code you write, by far, should neither know nor care how that epoch is defined! It should use libraries that treat the epoch as an implementation detail. No, it’s not that anyone is ever going to suddenly change its value. But if they did and your code kept working anyway, that’s a good sign that you’ve been following more bug-proof practices.
Can anything in the topic of dates and times ever be simple? Maybe AM/PM is it. It’s just a different way of writing the hour integer, that’s all.
Hour as integer | Hour in AM/PM form |
0 | 12 AM |
1–11 | 1–11 AM |
12 | 12 PM |
13–23 | 1–11 PM |
Well, it was almost simple.
Maybe this one is simple though.
A secondary feature of Gregorian civil time is that each date is deterministically assigned a day of week. These have names in most languages; in English they are “Monday”, “Tuesday”, etc. They will always cycle in that order and never skip.
But be careful! That is true of civil time, abstractly, but civil time as experienced in a particular locale is another story. And once upon a time in two Pacific island nations, Thursday was followed by Saturday.
(Well, I’m sure something in this whole guide will be simple.)
It’s tempting to base business logic on the day of week (for example, deciding when the week begins, or whether it is a “business day”, or to what degree it is “manic”), but inferences like these are extremely locale-sensitive. Be careful.
Uh oh. Leap seconds. These threaten to be a big confusing thing that makes everything insane and complicated. Just look at the size of the Wikipedia page alone! Actually no, please don’t go there. It will make you worry. And don’t worry! We have ways of dealing with leap seconds so they won’t be that bad.
Here’s the deal. The overwhelming majority of minutes that will ever happen last exactly 60 seconds in length. But, because nothing can ever be simple, every now and then there will be one that lasts 61 seconds. The additional inserted second is called a leap second, and it happens very irregularly; the only cases in the last decade were in 2012, 2015, and 2016. Making matters worse, in 2022 there is now talk of a possible negative leap second!
Question one: for the love of God and chocolate why. Why not define “one second” as “the time it takes a point on Earth’s equator to complete 1/86,400th of a full rotation relative to the sun”? We wanted to, but the problem is that Earth’s rotation isn’t constant; it speeds up slightly when it’s having fun, and slows down again when it’s waiting in line to renew its driving permit. We had to pick a stable definition instead, and we chose one to match our preferred definition as best we could. Since we couldn’t get it perfect, now the Earth’s rotation sometimes starts to lag a bit behind. When it does, astronomers get together and declare a leap second, to give the Earth time to catch up. By the time that leap second ends it’s right back where it’s supposed to be.
Question two: why did I say this isn’t bad? It sounds bad. How is it not bad?
The only reason this isn’t so bad is that for most intents and purposes we can pretend they don’t exist and get away with it.
Remember: wall time is always inherently approximate anyway! Your system clock is constantly receiving small adjustments to bring it back on track; the only thing different about a leap second is that it’s a somewhat larger adjustment. In fact, Google’s way of dealing with that larger adjustment is to just turn it into a series of smaller adjustments: a “leap smear”.
The effect of all this is that when you subtract two timestamps, the duration you get might actually be incorrect. But this is already the case anyway due to clock drift and periodic clock corrections.
“Midnight” is another word for the time-of-day “0:00:00.000”. It’s a dangerous
concept because it sounds like something that every day has, but this does not
hold true. In some time zones, certain days start later than that and have no
“midnight” (for example, in Asia/Gaza
the date 2007-04-01 began at 01:00). The
concept you’re probably looking for instead is called “start of day” — but often
you don’t need even that, and can stick to representing the civil date itself.
In civil time, a recurrence is a rule for selecting successive datetime (or date) values. Many examples can probably be found in your calendar app of choice: daily, daily on specified days of the week, biweekly on Fridays, on the 5th of every month, bimonthly on the second Tuesday, etc.
Every period can be used as a recurrence, but because period math is ill-defined, this can sometimes get you into trouble. Recurrences are defined slightly differently, so as to be, er, well-defined.
The second of July in the year 2019 should always be written in the following way: “2019-07-02”. This is an international standard that avoids cultural bias, avoids confusing people (does he mean February 7?), and also makes textual dates sort correctly. Many years ago I switched to writing all of my dates in this style, in all circumstances, and if everyone reading this would start doing this too, then eventually I might get fewer strange looks.
Wait. What does it mean to “wait”? FYI, I use footnotes in this doc, and you really, really don’t have to read them. I assure you that every one is absolutely nonessential reading. It will feel like you have to follow those little high up numbers where they lead, every time, but I’m telling you. As an example, consider how useless this one is. Sometimes you’ll be reading and you’ll be distracted by that “hey, what about…” feeling, and those are the kinds of places where I try to leave a footnote. But if you weren’t distracted then don’t let the little number be the thing that distracts you. ↩
Events such as when I might be expected to give you up are nowhere to be seen. ↩
In 1905 a Swiss patent clerk took what had been a beautifully simple Newtonian model of time and really trashed it to hell. “What if time is just more space,” he said, and when no one at the party would listen, he wrote it down. Time has been weird ever since. But! To reason well about time for our software, it helps a lot if we can ignore relativity — and in this guide we’re going to do just that. IF YOU ARE PROGRAMMING SPACECRAFT, or maybe anything that communicates with spacecraft, please set this guide down carefully. Please go learn about time somewhere else such as a graduate school. Or if you decide to stay and trust this guide anyway, please send me an email and let me know whose spaceships never to travel on. ↩
I would like to think that this shared experience would at last bring us closer together as a global community in our final moments of life. ↩
But if your hunch is that it’s the duration in which the radiation corresponding to transiting the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom oscillates 9,192,631,760 times, you are sadly mistaken. It’s the duration in which the radiation corresponding to transiting the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom oscillates 9,192,631,770 times. ↩
also electrical current, but not length, mass, temperature, or luminosity. With those we might still use a negative value to express a reduction in some other measurement, but we can only decrease that value so far until it hits zero. Negative mass or temperature is the subject of science fiction and clickbait headlines. (Incidentally, for electrical current we chose positive vs. negative arbitrarily, and managed to get it wrong.) ↩
Mathematically, we say that a durations are vectors, and instants form an “affine space” over these vectors, and this is what produces the relationships seen here. Then the person we say this to backs away slowly. ↩
Which is good, because have you seen us lately? And sure, humans did define the unit of the “second”. But that’s just arbitrary, to serve our own need to communicate. We could have chosen anything convenient, like the Planck time or the half-life of tellurium-128. ↩
They’re not all complicated. There are some wonderfully logical calendar systems like the International Fixed Calendar, some of which I think have a really good chance of catching on among many of the world’s Esperanto speakers. ↩
Yes, the other 6% are important too, but we have to start somewhere. By all means, a guide to the other calendar systems would be interesting and sometimes useful, but this isn’t it. ↩
What we (and astronomers) call the years “0” and “-1” are called “1 BCE” and “2 BCE” (respectively) by historians and middle school teachers. They’re not wrong, but our way makes math easier: we can subtract by subtracting. ↩
Not an officially recognized term, but it should be. Warning: if
you’ve used Joda-Time you’ve seen that it defines a DateTime
class. That is not a datetime, but a
“zoned instant”. Several libraries have done
similar things, but we are reclaiming the term! ↩
The reason for this imperfection is, typically, Daylight Saving Time: whenever a locale moves their clocks forward, there will be a range of civil times that are “skipped over” and thus map to no real physical instant; whenever it moves them backward, there will be a range of civil times that can’t be uniquely mapped to a single physical instant. ↩
I apologize for marginalizing the 0.00000013% of readers who live in space, who do actually use UTC as their home time zone. You matter too. I’m sorry. Please don’t drop anything on me. ↩