Class ThreadSafety


public final class ThreadSafety extends Object
A class which gives information about the annotation of types; if a type isn't annotated, ThreadSafety.Violation gives information as to why it is not.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static ThreadSafety.Builder builder()
    • threadSafeBuilder

      public static ThreadSafety.Builder threadSafeBuilder(WellKnownThreadSafety wellKnownThreadSafety)
    • threadSafeInstantiation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation threadSafeInstantiation(Set<String> containerTypeParameters, AnnotationInfo annotation, type)
      Check that a type-use of an @ThreadSafe-annotated type is instantiated with threadsafe type arguments where required by its annotation's containerOf element.
      containerTypeParameters - the in-scope threadsafe type parameters, declared on some enclosing class.
      annotation - the type's @ThreadSafe info
      type - the type to check
    • threadSafeInstantiation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation threadSafeInstantiation(Set<String> containerTypeParameters, AnnotationInfo annotation, type, Set<> recursiveThreadSafeTypeParameter)
    • checkSuperInstantiation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation checkSuperInstantiation(Set<String> containerTypeParameters, AnnotationInfo annotation, type)
      Check that the super-type of a @ThreadSafe-annotated type is instantiated with threadsafe type arguments where required by its annotation's containerOf element, and that any type arguments that correspond to containerOf type parameters on the sub-type are also in the super-type's containerOf spec.
      containerTypeParameters - the in-scope threadsafe type parameters, declared on some enclosing class.
      annotation - the type's @ThreadSafe info
      type - the type to check
    • isThreadSafeType

      public ThreadSafety.Violation isThreadSafeType(boolean allowContainerTypeParameters, Set<String> containerTypeParameters, type)
      Returns an ThreadSafety.Violation explaining whether the type is threadsafe.
      allowContainerTypeParameters - true when checking the instantiation of an typeParameterAnnotation-annotated type parameter; indicates that containerTypeParameters should be ignored
      containerTypeParameters - type parameters in enclosing elements' containerOf specifications
      type - to check for thread-safety
    • hasThreadSafeTypeParameterAnnotation

      public boolean hasThreadSafeTypeParameterAnnotation( symbol)
      Returns whether the given type parameter's declaration is annotated with typeParameterAnnotation indicating it will only ever be instantiated with thread-safe types.
    • hasThreadSafeElementAnnotation

      public boolean hasThreadSafeElementAnnotation( symbol)
      Returns whether the given type parameter's declaration is annotated with containerOfAnnotation indicating its type-safety determines the type-safety of the outer class.
    • getMarkerOrAcceptedAnnotation

      public AnnotationInfo getMarkerOrAcceptedAnnotation( sym, VisitorState state)
      Gets the Symbol's annotation info, either from a marker annotation on the symbol, from an accepted annotation on the symbol, or from the list of well-known types.
    • mutableEnclosingInstance

      public @Nullable mutableEnclosingInstance(Optional<ClassTree> tree, type)
      Returns an enclosing instance for the specified type if it is thread-safe.
    • threadSafeTypeParametersInScope

      public Set<String> threadSafeTypeParametersInScope( sym)
      Gets the set of in-scope threadsafe type parameters from the containerOf specs on annotations.

      Usually only the immediately enclosing declaration is searched, but it's possible to have cases like:

      @MarkerAnnotation(containerOf="T") class C<T> {
        class Inner extends ThreadSafeCollection<T> {}
    • getInheritedAnnotation

      public AnnotationInfo getInheritedAnnotation( sym, VisitorState state)
      Gets the possibly inherited marker annotation on the given symbol, and reverse-propagates containerOf spec's from super-classes.
    • getPrettyName

      public String getPrettyName( sym)
      Gets a human-friendly name for the given Symbol to use in diagnostics.
    • checkInstantiation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation checkInstantiation(Collection<> typeParameters, Collection<> typeArguments)
    • checkInstantiation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation checkInstantiation( typeParameter, Collection<> instantiations)
      Checks that any thread-safe type parameters are instantiated with thread-safe types.
    • checkInvocation

      public ThreadSafety.Violation checkInvocation( methodType, symbol)
      Checks the instantiation of any thread-safe type parameters in the current invocation.