Class AccessPath


public abstract class AccessPath extends Object
A sequence of field names or autovalue accessors, along with a receiver: either a variable or a reference (explicit or implicit) to this. Fields and autovalue accessors are stored as strings, with a "()" appended to accessor names to distinguish them from fields of the same name

For example:

x.f.g, the g field of the f field of the local variable x is represented by {base = Some x, fields = "g" :: "f" :: nil}, the bar field of the foo field of the implicit this is represented by {base = None, fields = "bar" :: "foo" :: nil}, the foo field of the foo() autovalue accessor of the local variable x is represented by {base = Some x, fields = "foo" :: "foo()" :: nil}

Author: (Benno Stein)
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract @Nullable Element
    If present, base of access path is contained Element; if absent, base is `this`
    static @Nullable AccessPath
    fromFieldAccess(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.FieldAccessNode fieldAccess)
    Creates an AccessPath from field reads / AutoValue accessor we can track and returns null otherwise (for example, when the receiver of the field access contains an array access or non-AutoValue method call.
    static AccessPath
    fromLocalVariable(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.LocalVariableNode node)
    static @Nullable AccessPath
    fromNodeIfTrackable(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.Node node)
    Returns an AccessPath representing node if node is representable as an access path and null otherwise
    static AccessPath
    fromVariableDecl(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.VariableDeclarationNode node)
    static boolean
    isAutoValueAccessor(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
    Check whether tree is an AutoValue accessor.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • AccessPath

      public AccessPath()
  • Method Details

    • base

      public abstract @Nullable Element base()
      If present, base of access path is contained Element; if absent, base is `this`
    • path

      public abstract<String> path()
    • isAutoValueAccessor

      public static boolean isAutoValueAccessor(com.sun.source.tree.Tree tree)
      Check whether tree is an AutoValue accessor. A tree is an AutoValue accessor iff:
      • it is a method invocation
      • of an abstract method
      • with 0 arguments
      • defined on a class annotated @AutoValue

      Public visibility for use in NullnessPropagationTransfer#returnValueNullness

    • fromFieldAccess

      public static @Nullable AccessPath fromFieldAccess(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.FieldAccessNode fieldAccess)
      Creates an AccessPath from field reads / AutoValue accessor we can track and returns null otherwise (for example, when the receiver of the field access contains an array access or non-AutoValue method call.
    • fromLocalVariable

      public static AccessPath fromLocalVariable(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.LocalVariableNode node)
    • fromVariableDecl

      public static AccessPath fromVariableDecl(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.VariableDeclarationNode node)
    • fromNodeIfTrackable

      public static @Nullable AccessPath fromNodeIfTrackable(org.checkerframework.errorprone.dataflow.cfg.node.Node node)
      Returns an AccessPath representing node if node is representable as an access path and null otherwise