Class NullnessAnnotations


public class NullnessAnnotations extends Object
Utilities to extract Nullness from annotations.
  • Method Details

    • fromAnnotationTrees

      public static Optional<Nullness> fromAnnotationTrees(List<? extends AnnotationTree> annotations)
    • fromAnnotationMirrors

      public static Optional<Nullness> fromAnnotationMirrors(List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations)
    • annotationsAreAmbiguous

      public static boolean annotationsAreAmbiguous(Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations)
    • annotationsRelevantToNullness

      public static<AnnotationTree> annotationsRelevantToNullness(List<? extends AnnotationTree> annotations)
    • fromAnnotationsOn

      public static Optional<Nullness> fromAnnotationsOn(@Nullable sym)
    • fromAnnotationsOn

      public static Optional<Nullness> fromAnnotationsOn(@Nullable TypeMirror type)
    • fromDefaultAnnotations

      public static Optional<Nullness> fromDefaultAnnotations(@Nullable Element sym)
      Walks the syntactically enclosing elements of the given element until it finds a defaulting annotation.
    • getUpperBound

      public static Optional<Nullness> getUpperBound(TypeVariable typeVar)
      Returns any declared or implied bound for the given type variable, meaning this returns any annotation on the given type variable and otherwise returns fromDefaultAnnotations(Element) to find any default in scope of the given type variable.