Support code for providing automated corrections for defects we find.
ClassDescriptionDescribes a tree position with adjustments to the start and end indices.Represents the corrected source which we think was intended, by applying a Fix.Helper class for accumulating a branching tree of alternative fixes designed to help build as set of potential fixes with different options in them.Builder class for BranchedSuggestedFixesRepresents a source code transformation, usually used to fix a bug detected by error-prone.A
with a fixed position.Describes a position that only has a start and end index.A replaced section of a source file.A collection ofReplacement
s to be made to a source file.A policy for handling overlapping insertions.BuildsSuggestedFix
s.Factories for constructingFix
es.InstructsSuggestedFixes.addMembers(ClassTree, VisitorState, AdditionPosition, String, String...)
whether to add the new member(s) at the beginning of the class, or at the end.A class to hold the files from the compilation context, with a diff applied to the currently-processed one; the files can then be recompiled.The result of the compilation.