ClassDescriptionImplementation of a
that performs the modifications that are passed to itsDescriptionBasedDiff.onDescribed(Description)
method, with no formatting.All the differences to be applied to a source file to be applied in a refactoring.Applier of diffs to Java source codeSupplier of file differences.File destination which simply throws away the generated file.AFileDestination
that writes content to a destination on the local filesystem.A FileSource that reads source files from the local filesystem.Organizes imports based on the default format provided by IntelliJ IDEA.Organizes import statements when patching files.Represents an import.Provides support for building a list of imports from groups and formatting it as a block of imports.Represents a list of import statements.AFileDestination
that writes a unix-patch file torootPath
containing the suggested changes.Representation of a mutable Java source file.