Uses of Package
Packages that use
Checks added to the java compiler which detect common bug patterns.
Classes in used by for establishing whether expressions correspond to a constant expression.
Classes in used by information about a type which may be a container specified by generic type arguments, e.g.Helper for establishing whether expressions correspond to a constant expression.Represents a constant expression.The kind of a constant expression.Visitor for scanning over the components of a constant expression.Represents both a constant method call or a constant field/local access, depending on the actual type of
.Represents sets of things known to be true and false if a boolean statement evaluated true.A context containing the information necessary to resolve aSymbol
from an AST node.The lock expression of an@GuardedBy
annotation.A 'class' literal: ClassName.classGuardedByExpression
kind.A local variable (or parameter), resolved as part of a lock access expression.The member access expression for a field or method.The base expression for a static member select on a class literal (e.g.Flags that control the behavior of threadsafety utils to facilitate rolling out new functionality.A symbol resolver used while binding guardedby expressions from string literals.Listener interface for accesses to guarded members.Acceptsviolations
that are found during the analysis.A class which gives information about the annotation of types; if a type isn't annotated,ThreadSafety.Violation
gives information as to why it is not.ThreadSafety
utility class can be used by either the bug checker that enforces immutability or by the bug checker that enforces thread-safety.A human-friendly explanation of a thread safety violations.Information about known types and whether they're known to be safe or unsafe.Helper for building maps of classes toAnnotationInfo
.A collection of types with known mutability.A collection of types with known thread safety.